Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm doing the photo a day challenge. I'll post a photo everyday until January 9, 2012. I hope I'll keep this up.

I got this purse, earrings and body splashes for under $10. Yay me!!


  1. Good luck Traci, with the girls over on the 365 chat we are here to support you thru this. Some of us have been at it for 3 yrs. So if you need any inspiration just ask. Hope you will come and follow me on my journey.

  2. Hi Traci! Great way to start your P365...with a new purse! I love purses...:D As Bridget said, we are always here to help and support and encourage! I love following other 365 well as remembering to stay current with mine :)

  3. What a great idea to take a picture a day! I can't believe that you got all that for under $10! Great deal!
